Introdution of MDO
Malika Development Organization-Nepal (MDO-Nepal) is a non-profitable, non-governmental and social organization working in Achham district. It has been working among downtrodden people, women and children who are living in the vicious circle of traditional and conservative society that knowingly or unknowingly tramples and discriminates against women, Dalits and financially weak people. MDO has been working in education, poverty reduction, drinking water and sanitation, Agro-livestock promotion and capacity-building of Community Organizations (COs) and resource poor people in Far remote area of Achham district. It was established and registered with registration no 2050/1638in 2050 B.S. (1994 A.D.) in District Administration Office, Achham affiliated with Social Welfare Council in the same year. MDO-Nepal also have the membership of NGO Federation & NGOCC Achham. The executive board of this organization is comprised of the experienced social workers. It has a board member of nine dynamic and experienced personnel. Out of total board members, 33% women 22% are from Dalit and disadvantaged communities. Its central office is at Mangalsen while the branch office is at Anamnagar, Kathmandu.
Malika Development Organization-Nepal wants to see self-depend, competitive, equitably creative society.
Malika Development Organization-Nepal is dedicated and determined to empowerment the backward and economically weak communities, women and children for their sustainable development
Our main motto is to support in the remarkable reduction of gender and social discrimination by utilizing local resources and materials for poverty reduction through community mobilization.
Messege from chairperson
Malika Develpment Organization (MDO) has been able to establish its fame as an exemplary local non-governmental organization by continuing to work tirelessly towards fulfilling its mandate since 1994 A.D in Achham district. We have brought this organization into operation with the active participation. In coming years, we have much more to do to strengthen marginalized peoples and vulnerable communities, women, of Achham District. The organization will support to fulfill community development needs in collaboration with local government, development agencies and private sector with an integrated and comprehensive approach to achieve the goal. We are looking forward to showing best examples to the target people by influencing them for positive changes. Malika Development Organization (MDO) will strive to create more opportunity of learning and unleashing the potentials of poor people engaging in sustainable livelihood and transforming community through community development programs. We would like to thank all I/NGOs, Government Agencies, Stakeholders, Staffs, Intern/Volunteers, CBOs and groups, youth club, women group’s, cooperative’s, stakeholders and well-wishers for their valuable support and cooperation extended to our organization for carrying out programs and its activities smoothly. We also express my sincere thanks to the members of Governing Board for their valuable support and suggestions, and all the staff members for their diligence and hard work to attain the mission and goals.

Him Bdr. Vishwakarma

Tikaram Dhungana
Program Officer
Our Working Themes
Education & child protection

Livelihood & Empowerment

Health & Sanitation

Disaster Risk Reduction

Good Governance