प्रस्तुत सम्बन्धमा मालिका विकास संघ (MDO-Nepal) नेपालबाट खरीद गरिने देहाय बमोजिमका मालसामान, निर्माण कार्य, परामर्श सेवा र अन......
Malika Development Organization-Nepal (MDO-Nepal) is a non-profitable, non-governmental and social organization working in Achham district. It has been working among downtrodden people, women and children who are living in the vicious circle of traditional and conservative society that knowingly or unknowingly tramples and discriminates against women, Dalits and financially weak people. MDO has been working in education, poverty reduction, drinking water and sanitation, Agro-livestock promotion and capacity-building of Community Organizations (COs) and resource poor people in Far remote area of Achham district. It was established and registered with registration no 2050/1638in 2050 B.S. (1994 A.D.) in District Administration Office, Achham affiliated with Social Welfare Council in the same year. MDO-Nepal also have the membership of NGO Federation & NGOCC Achham. The executive board of this organization is comprised of the experienced social workers. It has a board member of nine dynamic and experienced personnel. Out of total board members, 33% women 22% are from Dalit and disadvantaged communities. Its central office is at Mangalsen while the branch office is at Anamnagar, Kathmandu.
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भाद्र २८ अछाम समुदाय स्तरीय शुसासन डाटा र्पाटल तथा बजेट अभिमुखिकरण कार्यक्रम साँफेबगर नगरपालिका वडा नम्बर ३ शिद्धेश्वरमा सम्पन्न भएको छ । साँफेबगर......

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