About Us


Malika Development Organization-Nepal (MDO-Nepal) is a non-profitable, non-governmental and social organization working in Achham district. It has been working among downtrodden people, women and children who are living in the vicious circle of traditional and conservative society that knowingly or unknowingly tramples and discriminates against women, Dalits and financially weak people. MDO has been working in education, poverty reduction, drinking water and sanitation, Agro-livestock promotion and capacity-building of Community Organizations (COs) and resource poor people in Far remote area of Achham district. It was established and registered with registration no 2050/1638in 2050 B.S. (1994 A.D.) in District Administration Office, Achham affiliated with Social Welfare Council in the same year. MDO-Nepal also have the membership of NGO Federation & NGOCC Achham. The executive board of this organization is comprised of the experienced social workers. It has a board member of nine dynamic and experienced personnel. Out of total board members, 33% women 22% are from Dalit and disadvantaged communities. Its central office is at Mangalsen while the branch office is at Anamnagar, Kathmandu.


  2. i) VISION

Malika Development Organization-Nepal wants to see self-depend, competitive, equitably creative society.


  1. ii) GOAL

Its main motto is to support in the remarkable reduction of gender and social discrimination by utilizing local resources and materials for poverty reduction through community mobilization.



Malika Development Organization-Nepal is dedicated and determined to empowerment the backward and economically weak communities, women and children for their sustainable development.


The objectives of Malika Development Organization are to:

  • Improve the living standard of the backward classes of people who are socio-economically poor,
  • Enhance reforestation in order to protect landslide & decrease to environment pollution,
  • Provide awareness on health and sanitation in order to establish good hygiene practices,
  • Improve the social status and sensitization of backward people along with women by conducting various preliminary educational programme,
  • Support and emphasize on the voice of disadvantaged people,
  • Coordinate with government and non-government organizations for the feasibility of community infrastructure development programme,



Malika Development Organization is guided by the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, political opinion, gender, race, caste or religions. All programmes are targeted towards the disadvantaged, excluded, indigenous, poor and marginalised people. Poverty reduction, meeting the immediate needs and conditions of the poor people and enabling the communities to be self-sufficient is the major focus of the organisation.


Malika Development Organization works with individuals, households, groups, Community Organizations, Community Based Organizations and local communities through their direct involvement in planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation process so as to create transparency and accountability among the beneficiaries.


  • Social assessment & combination
  • Empowerment & increasing of strength
  • Structure & Organizational development
  • Partnership & facilitation
  • Coordination, collaboration & networking



Along with Finance and administration Policy MDO has clear cut and well defined working guidelines. Based on the working experience, guiding principle, its mission, vision and objectives as well as the country situation, we have designed certain policies on thematic areas on which the organisation works. These guidelines are as follows:

  1. Long Term Strategic Plan
  2. MDO Constitution (Bidhan),  2050
  3. Finance and Administration policy, 2057
  4. Personnel policy, 2057
  5. Procurement policy 2016
  6. Organizational development policy, 2064
  7. Staffs code of conduct, 2067
  8. Executive Board member code of conduct, 2067
  9. Public audit policy, 2067
  10. Anti-corruption policy of  MDO, 2066
  11. Social audit manual, 2066



Economically and socially backward classes, women, indigenous people and children are the targeted groups of this organization.



Malika Development Organization is registered in the District Administration Office (DAO), Achham under NGO registration act 2033. It was registered on 2050 B.S (1994 A.D.). The registration number of MDO is 12/2050. It affiliated to Social welfare council (SWC) with affiliation number 2051/1638. MDO also registered with the Internal Revenue Office, Dhangadi with PAN number of 301692360. MDO also affiliated with NGO Federation and NGO Coordination Committee Achham.



Since the establishment of MDO, it was concentrate at Achham district. At present it is planning to expand its program in Doti and other districts of Far-western Development Region (FWDR).  Currently MDO is implementing various projects/ programmes in Achham district.

  1. Core Thematic Areas

MDO has finalized the following seven (7) thematic areas that are targeted in attaining sustainable development goals. These are:

  1. Poverty Reduction (savings and credit mobilization, horticulture, vegetable farming, NTFP)
  2. Women’s Empowerment (women’s mobilization, institutional development)
  3. Environmental Protection (forestation, environmental education, bio-engineering)
  4. Community Infrastructure Development (drinking water, sanitation, sports ground)
  5. Conflict Management
  6. Governance and social development