Relief assistance and community conditions
Prepared By: Gopi Singh Nepali, SDO PARIWARTAN Project
1. Background:
KATHAYAT is 35 years old and her family size includes 6 members 2 son 2
daughter and husband. Her house is located at near the market side of PANCHADEWAL
l BINAYAK Municipality ward no 3 Achham. Her husband is currently
living in India for work. Due to the causes of lockdown she is unable to getting
money from India that her husband has been earned. The lack of insufficient land, she is facing difficulties in
gaining her daily livelihood until 2 months and remaining days are gaining by
doing daily wages. To supplement family needs her husband went India for changing
their lifestyle so far. By the impact of CORONA virus her ways of income
has been stopped, food item are not lent in the market. Mostly daily wages
laborers are highly affected by the impact of COVID-19. Most have been stopped
working together due to the fear of CORONA and environment has been created to
work in isolation. Particularly unorganized workers have been affected by this
Process: By the financial support of
DCA and coordination of MDO- Nepal
Result: After
obtained the relief materials it made her easy to gain their livelihood some
extent. Now her families are being using hand washing habits, using mask and
sanitizer while moving here and there. While distributing the materials she
knew about the expansion of corona virus, its symptoms and remedies to safe
from infection. Beyond that she also shared
in her group and makes awareness about using mask while moving out of home,
hand washing and taught to maintain 2 meter physical distance from each other's.
Better selection process of MDO -Nepal which made her selection. All
beneficiaries praised the quality of relief package and thanks to MDO- and DCA
Nepal. In order to implement COVID
response, selection process support in reached among real beneficiaries.