Advocacy campaigns and lobbying activities to position women and marginalized groups in decision making systems using integrated technologies

Advocacy campaigns and lobbying activities to position women and marginalized groups in decision making systems using integrated technologies

19 March, 2019 - 19 March, 2019

Mangalsen Municipality

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

SUSASAN has completed Advocacy campaign on ensuring meaningful participation of women and marginalized groups in leader level. The event was organized in 19th March 2019 whereby all elected chairperson and sub chairperson from 10 local structures along with DCC representatives of Achham district had participated. Mr Padam  Bdr Majhi from DCC had developed a manifesto and Executive Director of Radio Society Mr Dhurba BC had identified areas of problem and issues. The program was aired live from Radio Society. Issues like government provision on women in leadership in local structure out of two vital post was discussed as two local structures in Achham don't have women in vital post. Even in DCC, both leadership positions have been chaired by men. For these issues, the participants who were leaders requested to political leaders to solve it in coming days. The program was chaired by MDO chairperson while DCC head was as chief guest.