Digital literacy Training

Digital literacy Training

31 August, 2018 - 4 September, 2018

Bannigadhi Jayagadh


  • Data literacy is the ability to read, understand, create and communicate data as information. It refers to an individual's ability to find, evaluate, produce and communicate clear information through writing and other forms of communication on various digital platforms. Digital literacy showcases an individual's computer, writing, and typing skills on platforms, such as mails, ministry web sites, social media and blog sites. Digital Literacy also includes other devices, such as, smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. While digital literacy initially focused on digital skills and stand-alone computers, its focus has shifted to network devices including the Internet and use of social media. Digital literacy does not replace traditional forms of literacy, instead building upon the skills that form the foundation of traditional forms of literacy.
  • All Represented and staff are build ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media form. Imagine a situation where interaction with government can be done through one counter 24 hours, a day, and sevens a weak. The ability to recognize when information is needed and locate, evaluate, effectively use and communicate information in its various format. The ability to use digital technology communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information, Data literacy focuses on the ability to understand and build knowledge from data, and to communicate that meaning to others. 
  • All Represented and staff are known typing letter and how to use technology and internet responsibly and application to collaborate share create, inform and enrich. They have become to ability to locate information from a variety of sources, including print and digital. Evaluate information for accuracy and credibility and it used information for accuracy and credibility, use information to understand, explain, persuade and create.  Literacy in social network services and Web sites (such as gov sites and other sites) helps people stay in contact with others, pass timely information, and even buy and sell goods and service.  Digital literacy also encompasses a broader range of skills—everything from reading on a Kindle to gauging the validity of a website or creating and sharing YouTube videos.